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Pest Control Services

At New Guard Pest Control, we provide quality and cost effective pest control solutions for both residential and commercial properties. Our comprehensive services include:

General Pest Control: With our General Service Plan, we come on a Bi-Monthly schedule (every two months). We do a routine service around the outside of your house, treating the foundation, yard, cracks, and crevices. We make sure to do a careful inspection to find pests such as ants, spiders, and more. Any time you find pests inside, we will come free of charge to guarantee a pest-free home.

It is Important to have a regular service plan to control pests because they can always crawl, fly, or be carried to your property and can quickly become a nuisance or even a major problem. Having us come every two months will guarantee this won’t become an issue.

With this service and all the services we provide, we take caution not to negatively impact the environment. This includes careful application to pests and targeting areas where they are hiding. We do our best to only control problem or nuisance pests to ensure the beneficial insects are not affected, such as ladybugs, bees, praying mantises etc. It is important to have a balanced ecosystem even in the vicinity of your yard. If a heavy careless application is applied to the wrong areas, the beneficial bugs will die causing an increase in pest activity and an imbalance in the ecosystem. This is why we recommend a knowledgeable professional who takes these matters seriously. Doing so will result in  greater success in controlling pests and provide an ecological balance.

Commercial: With our commercial accounts we tailor the service to the needs of the business. For businesses and warehouses we provide monthly control around the foundation and interior as needed to control whatever pests may enter. Restaurants have a more in-depth program because of the amount of food and scraps that pests can feed on. Apartments and hotels have in-depth treatment programs as well, because of the variety of living situations and number of people where pest infestations can occur. No matter the situation, New Guard will create a solution.

Eco Friendly Treatments: We offer Eco-Friendly treatments that use a variety of methods to control the pests in and around your home. We are aware of the concern people have about the use of pesticides and the effect it may have on the environment. We do everything we can in our regular services to not negatively impact the environment, and our Eco-Friendly treatment takes it to the next level.

We Provide Exterior treatments with products derived from plants to keep pests out of your home. We monitor the activity levels inside by using sticky traps which help us identify the threat and find a solution. If pests get out of control, we offer vacuum cleanouts to suck up all the bugs, which removes the pests without the use of chemicals.

Rodent Control: Rats and Mice are unfortunately a very common pest in homes and businesses. Rodents are constant gnawers because their incisors (front teeth) continue to grow and the last thing anyone wants are rodents chewing on wires which could create a serious hazard. There are key factors when it comes to successful control: sealing entryways, nest removal, sanitation and odor elimination, trapping, and baiting programs.

With our expertise, we have created our 7-Point Rodent Inspection: 1. Inspect the outside for signs of rodent activity. 2. Inspect the garage for activity. 3. Inspect the attic for activity. 4. Determine if it is Mice, Roof Rats or Norway rats. 5. Make a list of nests and entryways. 6. Determine the best trap and bait placements. 7. Create a plan for optimal control.

By following the 7-Point Rodent Inspection plan, we guarantee success. By knowing their habits inside and out, we can create the best plan for optimal control. It is important to keep these pests outside and off your property so there is no chance they can transmit diseases or spread pathogens and bacteria.

Systemic Treatment: Systemic treatments are used for pests like Aphids, White Flies, Mealybugs, Thrips, and other pests who eat plants. Some ways to notice if these pests are present is if the plant is sticky or looks like there is sap on it. Aphids are sometimes accompanied by Ants who move the Aphids around and protect them so that the ants can eat the sugary sap they make. These pests don’t only make your plants sticky, they also stunt the growth and defoliate bushes and trees.

Our method to provide preventative protection is to use a soil injector. With this tool, we apply calculated amounts in multiple precise locations around the plant directly to the roots. It works by the roots feeding on the solution and it being carried throughout the entire plant for long-term control. When any of these pests eat the plant after a soil injection, they will die and the plant will be free to grow.

Bed Bug Treatment: Bed Bugs are a major pest problem and can be difficult to exterminate. With our experience and strategies, we have mastered the treatment method to eliminate these pests. Bed Bugs don’t only live in the bed, they can live in any crack or crevice around the bedroom. They may also be in other parts of the house including couches, offices or any other areas of prolonged time spent. This is because Bed Bugs are hitchhikers and crawl onto their host then move off to new areas.

It's important to inspect yourself and your clothing if you think you may have come in contact with Bed Bugs. These pests will die in high heats so washing and drying your clothing on a high heat will ensure none will survive.

Our strategy to control Bed Bugs is to do a thorough treatment to every crack and crevice in all the rooms of your home including closets, mattresses, box springs, bed frames, dressers, baseboards, window seams, couches, chairs, and any other areas they might be. We also use a dust formulation to treat the hard-to-reach areas such as wall voids, cracks, etc. We understand how hard it is to deal with bed bugs which is why we take extra care of our customers when eliminating these pests.

Burrowing Pest Control: There are a handful of burrowing pests common to the Sacramento area including Moles, Gophers, and Voles. These pests can make some unsightly mounds of dirt on top of your beautiful lawn and mulched areas. They can even damage roots and cause parts of the lawn or plants to die.

It is important to control these pests as soon as they appear because they will only continue to dig and create new mounds. Our strategy is to find the active parts of their tunneling system and place traps that give them no choice but to run through. We also use bait which speeds up the time it takes to control them so they won't cause more damage.

Mosquito Control: Mosquitoes are the number one pest when it comes to vectors for disease. There are different types of mosquitoes which have unique egg laying locations. It is our goal with mosquito treatments that we not only treat the foliage where the adult mosquitoes rest, but that we also find, eliminate and treat the site where they lay their eggs and the larvae develop.

When dealing with their breeding sites, it is important that there is no standing water. Even one square inch of standing water can be a breeding spot for dozens of new mosquitoes to develop. We check every possible area where standing water can be and empty it if possible. If the water is not able to be drained or emptied, we have a biological control solution using bacteria that only affects the mosquito larvae. This control method can be used in a variety of areas including ponds, lakes, neglected swimming pools and more, without it affecting other living organisms.

The adult mosquitoes rest in dense foliage under leaves or grasses. We use a misting application to be able to reach all the areas in dense foliage to ensure no mosquitoes will rest there, and if they do, they won’t live long.

Bird and Bat Control: Birds and Bats can sometimes nest on or even make their way inside your home. Birds are great to have around until they make a mess all over your roof and walls, and can keep you up with their constant moving around and chirping. Bats, on the other hand, go unnoticed most of the time until you either see or smell their unpleasant excrement. Bats and some birds are important to the ecosystem by eating insects, especially mosquitoes. This is why we are extra careful when dealing with them, so we don’t harm any adult, young, or eggs.

We install one-way exits for bats to leave the attic without allowing them to return. We then seal off these areas to have a more permanent solution. When the animals have left their nests for good, we remove and sanitize the nest and clean any unsightly residues. We install bird spikes, screen off areas, and use a solution to prevent them from wanting to nest in that spot again. By doing this, we protect birds, bats, and your home in the safest and most effective way.

Service Areas: We provide pest control services to the Greater Sacramento Area.We take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and we always strive to exceed your expectations. Contact us today to schedule a free quote and let us help you get rid of your pest problems for good!

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