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Flies Pest Control in Sacramento

Dealing with Flies in Sacramento: Locating the Source and When to Hire New Guard Pest Control

Flies can be a nuisance for homeowners and businesses alike, particularly in regions like Sacramento where warm weather is prevalent. These pesky insects not only disrupt daily activities but can also pose health risks. If you're tired of battling flies in your Sacramento property, it's essential to identify the source of the problem and consider professional pest control services. In this article, we'll explore how to locate the source of flies and when it's time to enlist the expertise of New Guard Pest Control for effective fly elimination.

  1. Identifying the Source of Flies in Sacramento:

(a) Outdoor Areas:

  • Garbage cans: Flies are attracted to decaying organic matter. Check your outdoor garbage cans for proper lids and cleanliness.
  • Animal waste: Keep an eye on pet waste, as flies are often drawn to it. Regularly clean up after your pets in the yard.
  • Standing water: Flies breed in moist areas. Eliminate any standing water sources, such as birdbaths or puddles, around your property.

(b) Indoor Spaces:

  • Food sources: Flies are attracted to exposed food and organic waste. Ensure your kitchen is clean and free of crumbs or spills.
  • Dirty drains: Clogged or dirty drains can be breeding grounds for flies. Regularly clean and unclog drains to minimize fly activity.
  • Garbage bins: Make sure your indoor trash cans have tightly sealed lids and are emptied frequently.

  1. The Importance of Hiring Professional Pest Control:

While some DIY methods can help reduce fly populations, persistent or severe infestations require the expertise of pest control professionals like New Guard Pest Control. Here's when it's time to seek professional assistance:

(a) Large-scale infestation: If you notice a significant increase in fly activity throughout your property, it indicates a potential infestation that requires professional intervention.

(b) Failed DIY attempts: If your efforts to eliminate flies have proven ineffective, it's time to bring in experts who can employ advanced techniques and treatments to address the problem at its source.

(c) Health risks: Flies are known carriers of disease-causing bacteria. If you have vulnerable individuals in your household or run a business where hygiene is crucial, professional pest control is essential to ensure the health and safety of everyone.

  1. Why Choose New Guard Pest Control:

(a) Expertise: New Guard Pest Control is highly trained and has great success with fly control and extermination. They have extensive knowledge of local fly species, their habits, and effective eradication methods.

(b) Customized solutions: New Guard Pest Control understands that every fly infestation is unique. They provide personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, ensuring efficient and long-lasting results.

(c) Safe and eco-friendly practices: New Guard Pest Control prioritizes the use of environmentally friendly products and methods, minimizing any potential harm to humans, pets, and the surrounding environment.

(d) Ongoing maintenance: Beyond fly removal, New Guard Pest Control offers preventive measures to keep future infestations at bay. Their experts provide guidance on proper sanitation practices and proactive strategies to prevent flies from returning.


Flies can disrupt the comfort and well-being of Sacramento residents and businesses. By identifying and eliminating the source of the infestation and enlisting the services of New Guard Pest Control, you can regain control over your property and enjoy a fly-free environment. Remember, professional pest control is often the most effective and sustainable solution for tackling persistent fly problems. Contact New Guard Pest Control today to bid farewell to bothersome flies and restore peace to your home or business in Sacramento.

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